Wednesday, December 17, 2008

just watched my favorite movie---actually listened to it...

I just listened to Mama Mia as I worked---I dont need to actually watch it, as I have seen it so many times. The man bought it for me last night, so I could own it the day it came out. This just makes me happy, because I have enjoyed my friends while going to see it---even traveled to Wichita to see the sing-a-long version.

Not even the mountian of paperwork that I have due can bring me down, because I have been reminded that I have some truely wonderful braziers---those to lift and support me when I need it---and sometimes when I dont realize I need it. (All women have had those public moments when you could have used more support than was provided. ) Well, even at 20-something degrees--no nippin going on here!


  1. yeah...glad you are enjoying the movie...I will be dancing in my underwear to Dancing Queen come Christmas Day! Enjoy! My wonderful Friend!

  2. Yay - you're blogging! It's like having another Laura connection in my day! :o) Love ya!
